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George Tsutakawa’s Fountains
George Tsutakawa, a Seattle treasure, was best known for his 75 bronze fountains scattered throughout Seattle, the US, Canada and Japan.
Skagit River Eagles
The area between Concrete and Marblemount, along the Skagit River, is the second largest eagle gathering in the United States after Alaska.
University of Washington Staircase Walk
Following instructions on a staircase walk through the UW I discovered many hidden gems, as I learned about the beauty and history of the campus.
Hurricane Ridge
Hurricane Ridge is one of the two most visited areas in the Olympic National Park, along with the Hoh Rain Forest. The 17-mile, winding road to Hurricane Ridge ascends from nearly sea level, through forests and alpine meadows, and snow-covered peaks and views of the Olympic Mountains.
Makah Indian Reservation
The Makah Indians have a long history on the Olympic Peninsula. The reservation serves the Tribe members and offers visitors the mountains, the rainforest and the ocean to enjoy.